I liked it :) always a fan of frame-by-frame doodle effects
I liked it :) always a fan of frame-by-frame doodle effects
Something tells me you're a famous NG user... *Checks profile*... O_O Holy crap! And thanks for the review :D
It's about time this is released, the facebook group got 1k members a while ago! :D
Fantastic series.
yeh aniboom won't be hurried! glad you liked it!
totally rawking
started to watch it here in my dorm room, was so interesting that my roomie and even my dorm parent came in to watch it. totally has my 5 :)
Cool, fun for the whole family. :) Thanks for the 5, man.
why such bad reviews!
i thought this flash was awesome, i had to watch it again! i love the style, and it looked like a lot of work was put into it. i honestly don't know why it got sucky reviews...this is definately going in my favorites.
any word on a 3rd episode? =]
Yeah, I don't know what's up with the reviews. The first ep. got great reviews and despite this ep. having better artwork, animation and a power rock song, it's just not making people happy. I could only guess (and I hate to assume) but I think it's becuase this toon is a little off to the right. Aside from a couple obvious jokes the humor really lies in the dialogue between characters. David and I are influenced by movies such as Rushmore, Punch Drunk Love, and Lost in Translation. When writing the scripts we like to try and go for the subtle humor that lies within the details and I think most people just don't want that. Oh well, everybody is entitled to their opinion and I'm thankful thank they at least took the time to watch. The third ep. should be up in mid Dec.
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 2.8535 to 2.8687!
You're the saviour! You are one of a number of people who have helped keep this entry in the Portal!
lol thanks man apreciate it, but I don't expect much from this video it was just something i whipped up for my election speech haha
as u wished...
a 10 review, as u wanted...
"OMFG WORM" lol that part was hilarious. nice job
Thanxs man
A burning conscience severs the STEM
Joined on 11/26/03