You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 2.8535 to 2.8687!
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You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 2.8535 to 2.8687!
You're the saviour! You are one of a number of people who have helped keep this entry in the Portal!
lol thanks man apreciate it, but I don't expect much from this video it was just something i whipped up for my election speech haha
that was pretty cool, haven't seen a lot of videos like that here, only a few. if you took the time to heighten the quality and create better enemies instead of sticks, it would work out with a good score
fucking HAWT.
dance fool, dance!
great idea for a spoof, but the quality is just poor.
confessions to the fullest.
yes, nothing. a good confession. tho short and sweet, it was hilarious.
wow, this was great.
just change the beginning part, as that's what makes it blam worthy. if the first 15 seconds of amovie aren't great, people here will blam it. put the best part in the beginning.
i do perpetual animotions too, just not as extensive as u do. this was just amazing! u should color a couple of them different colors, so u can follow them throughout the obstacle.
so many people who reviewed this movie are idiots...
i thought it was hilarious. so...pepsi clock has mysterious relationships with tom and wade fulp...
wow, lmao dude
that was one of the few flashes that made me laugh. the music was perfect, and u really knew how to end the movie with the bird breakdancing on the pole. it was truly hilarious.
A burning conscience severs the STEM
Joined on 11/26/03