Definitely a good game to play for those memorizing Japanese kanji, hope to see more in the future!
Definitely a good game to play for those memorizing Japanese kanji, hope to see more in the future!
Nicely done!
Haven't ever played a breakout game with four paddles, so this was definitely fu!. I'm sure if you used the same concept but beefed up the speed and graphics it'd be a front pager game in no time.
I have a thread about this very game in the vid game forums now, if you feel like checking it out. It's so fun because i'm not limited, I can bang this cowbell WHEN EVER I PLEASE! I hope it passes :D
Perfect poster
Will this poster be available for print at any point? It's perfect for any fan of NG!
good tutorial :)
found this when i saw someone used one of my songs, and i like it. i'll be sure to use the scripts sometime.
liam ftw
You <3 it and you know you do.
well done
sidescrollers are overdone, but this was one of the few that are actually fun. the only thingi suggest if you make another version is to get rid of the mouse and add in a reticule of some sort. again, nice job on this one :)
Hm.. Maybe to make tutorial ;)
Hey, thanks!
very nice
layout is simple, and tutorial is to the point. good job on this one
Thanks mate
im updating with better stuff like im changing out the template
short game
but awesome nonetheless. i never played the game back when it came out, but even 5 years later it is still a great game. a ledgend! oh, peeps, if u don't know how to feed mygar, i'll give u a hint. "laser wall"
good job
i'm collecting all good tutorials, to add to my favorites. this is a good one, good info, just subpar graphics...but nonetheless, i'll put it in as one of my favs.
allright, thanks stem!
A burning conscience severs the STEM
Joined on 11/26/03